Re (‘Ray’) Gwaltney is a lifelong writer and analyst of the Fantasy and Horror genres obsessed with vivid worlds, compelling characters, and unputdownable narratives–especially those involving LGBT+ or disability. They grew up in the Piedmont of North Carolina, where they went to school for a Bachelor of Social Work. They live with their family, spending their non-writing time gaming, raising dogs, and voraciously consuming every mote of information in their reach. 

After developing POTS as a teenager, Re coped with their new normal by feeding their mind with fantasy of all kinds—novels, television, movies, or video games. When they first realized that anyone can put their words to paper, a fire sparked that couldn’t be stopped. In 2022, Re won the Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship to attend Superstars Writing Seminars. Their debut short story Feast of the Old Hag is featured in Camden Park Press’ October 2023 Anthology, They Hunt by Night.